[..] La fonction [shq] drawsurfaceshq

 int drawsurface_shq_xpl(){
   scltracefa(§, ƒ, );
   scltracefc("scl-%s (%s) : %s\n\n", sclver(), sclsec(), temps_char(0));

   int ierr = -1;
   /*int setn=2, seti;*/
   int setx[2] = { 10, 9 };
   int rown=setx[0], rowi, coln=setx[1];

   double **mat = (double **)newtabx(sizeof(double), 2, setx);
   if (mat==){
     scltracerr(§, ƒ, , "mat allocation error!\n");
     scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
     return ierr;
   } ierr--;
     rand(coln, 103*rowi, 1, 10, mat[rowi]);
   std::string jsoname=std::string(ƒ)+".json",

   shq::beginDrawing();   // <Initializes the 🦅 "connection"
   shq::newFigure("drawsurface_shq"); // <Creates a new 🦅 figure;

   shq::drawSurface(rown, coln, mat, 0, 0, 1, 1, shq::Params("colormap","qhult"));



   std::vector<std::string> labels;
   labels.push_back("[dim-1]"); labels.push_back("[dim-2]"); labels.push_back("[dim-3]");


   shq::endDrawing(); // <Closes the 🦅 "connection"

   scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
   return 0;
 /* ƒ décorée par 🔬 le 01-04-2024 14:36:04 */
          scl-24.03 (gwin64) : 01-04-2024 14:36:04
